Master’s Guidance

In every person’s life, there comes a point when they can no longer breakthrough certain barriers in income, energy, and opportunities - simply put, reaching a new level. This new level requires awareness, and it is essential tounderstand what is holding you back from achieving it.

During a diagnostic session with the Master, internal and external programsthat have a destructive influence on your timeline will be identified. This includes temptations, vices, and everything that steers you off your path, forevil is incredibly inventive. You will receive the Master’s guidance on how toenter new experiences and opportunities, pushing past the limits of yourconsciousness, which will allow you to:
- Uncover internal and external destructive programs preventing you from advancing to a new level
- Discover your dormant strengths and receive tools to awaken them
- Learn which unspoken rules and laws you are violating in your current way of life
- Realize the level of responsibility destined for you
- Understand how quickly you can achieve your goals
- Discover at which stage you currently stand


This state is not reached through a one-day practice; it involves a year-long journey through the ancient teachings of the 13 Secrets of the NewWorld Order, which are applied by governmental services for managing acountry. Only a person with strong willpower and the intention to expand boththeir inner and outer worlds for the sake of their goals can successfully gothrough all the levels of this teaching.

The 13 Secrets of the New World Order is a set of rules andknowledge about how the system operates and how to scale your personality. This knowledge is intended for those ready to take responsibility not only for their own life but also for the fate of cities and countries, creating new worlds, new events, new trends, and currents for all layers of society.

With this knowledge, supported by practices, you will be able to manifestany intellectual and material desires anywhere in the world and in any system of coordinates, as you gain:
⁃ unlimited opportunities and authority from the external world
⁃ the ability to acquire the power that governs the world
⁃ the chance to experience all the wonders of the world
⁃ a high-quality environment filled with fascinating people
⁃ access to the Earth's informational field, containing the knowledge of all races, nations, and civilizations

Under the Master’s guidance and by following the rules of the 13 Secretsof the New World Order, you will no longer need to wander through energy fractures searching for “power places” or offer sacrifices to be heard. All you will need is to raise your hands at any point in the world, recite a specific formula of words - transferred to you by the Master - and you will receive energy equivalent to the adoration of a stadium filled with fans of a global superstar, as long as you have a clear reason for needing it.

You won’t have to engage in spirit “invocations” or buy figurines inhabitedby spirits. Using a unique method, you will independently generate the necessary energy to achieve your tasks and set new goals on a grand scale. You will no longer be just a point on the map — you will become a sphere encompassing the entire city. You will realize the true scale of your personality.

You will not have to serve another egregore or religion. Under the Master’s guidance, you will become a self-sufficient, conscious entity that the external world sees and accepts in a large capacity.

You won’t need to connect to a religious egregore. The uniqueness lies in the fact that with the transmission of knowledge, you will have access to the bank of primal energy on par with the entities leading religions.

You will master knowledge and techniques to create your own protection against any influence. No one will be able to steal what you have built and cultivated over the years. No one will be able to tap into your financial flow, idea stream, success, or material wealth without your permission.